It’s probably the number one thing people think of when it comes to maintaining their car, an oil change. It’s important that all vehicles are routinely getting their oil changed, not just for the maintenance of the car, but also for the long-term condition and safety of the vehicle.

Changing a car’s oil helps the engine function better, and run more smoothly. By ensuring that your vehicle's engine oil is properly lubricated you get the benefits of better engine life-span, performance, and even better gas mileage.

At Price Right Auto the ASE & State Certified Technicians at our Marne & Nunica locations are experts at providing the best oil change possible, and using the highest quality oil on all Used Cars that come into our service centers.

Visit one of our Service Centers in Marne & Nunica today! We are conveniently located in close proximity to Grand Rapids, Muskegon, Grand Haven, Coopersville, and many other West Michigan communities!